Monday, July 27, 2009

Life and Work – the balance

There probably have been millions of posts on this topic. I am not writing this to preach something again here, but just quote a personal experience. I am 32 yrs old and a proud father of a boy, who is just about to turn two. I work at a technology company as an IT Manager, but wear more hats than the nice management title would lead you to assume.

Growing up in a middle-class family in India, I almost never met my father except on Sundays. That was his day off, spent most of the day getting things done around the house, and teaching us math and sciences. He always reinforced the need to studying well, getting a job and working hard in life. Well, to some extent we did study hard though could have done better, but we did spend most of our holidays solving math and science problems. Now at 32, I look back and recollect my childhood, this is all I remember. Emphasis on Studying well to get a job and settling down in life.

This concept has been so deeply engraved in my mind that I never actually dared do anything different in my life at all. I got a job the very moment I got qualified for one (at 18yrs). I worked hard at that one, switched after about 3 yrs to join a bigger, better org, and kept going until I landed at my current organization. And 13 yrs of doing this, I still am doing the same thing, I often tend to over-value the need for work, and under value my personal life. I am on call 24x7x365. I work harder and research better ways to keep our Infrastructure working, keeping the overhead costs to the absolute minimum. I often find myself sacrificing personal life, for work. I am aware of this all along like most of us, and put my life and family on the back-burner.

We buy all the toys and gizmos we can, and we think that an infant should have . But we often find, that he prefers our company to the fancy, expensive toys. Not only that, he is more excited to play with twigs, leaves, stones, pellets any other crazy object or running around in the lawn or at the park. He cares very little for the gizmos or fancy toys. Are we as adults trying to replace our Parent’s time with the insanely advertised gizmos, ‘cause we have gotten so rolled up in the constant grind of life, which mostly just sums down to work-eat-sleep routine, than anything else.

My son, who is almost two now, is very excited to see me come home from work, and immediately drops everything he is working on and comes running to me with his open arms, a feeling which most of you would agree is priceless. From then on, until he goes to bed, he demands that I be with him. He gets upset and cranky, if he sees me open my laptop and get back to work. He stares, yells, cries and uses any other weapon in his arsenal to get me to spend time with him. He somehow believes more rightly so, that it is his time to spend with Daddy. Any new toy, any other gizmo will not put him off me for long. And looking at him I realized I should be spending more time with my family. A lost moment with my son will never come back. His first laugh, His first steps, his first words, his first dance and more importantly his first hug, all these are priceless moments which won’t last forever.

We work hard to earn enough, to live happily with our family, but do not spend enough time with them, which will actually make us happy…!!! huh!!!! This is when it hit me, that just like the phrase “ eat to live, but not live to eat”, the concept aptly also fits “earn to live,but not live to earn”.

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Feb 7th 2007

An exciting day!!!!! today. We went to the doctor to get ultrasound scan on my 6week pregnant wife. Nervous !!!?? boy we were. About 20 minutes into the scan, the nurse pointed us to a cute little blob on the monitor and showed us the heartbeat of our 6week 3 days old baby. Did you know that at 6weeks, the baby's heart is beating twice as fast as ours !!??? We met the obstetrician who told us all about the diet and exercise plans to be followed.... and what to expect in the coming weeks. The next appointment would be five weeks from now.

Well on the work front, I tried out OpenVpn for Pocket PC. It went pretty well. I'm using a Siemens SX66 from Cingular with mobile 2003 OS. It was kinda patchy trying to edit the config file using notepad, 'cause the mobile notepad I installed would not navigate into the Program files folder. So I had to copy the files back and forth to My Documents folder and edit them. Finally I gave up on the whole idea of editing files on the mobile, and instead downloaded them onto my PC, edited them and uploaded them back to the mobile. I initially had little trouble understanding why it wouldn't pick up the certificate and key from the filesystem, but later gave up on that and added the certificates directly to the config file. After that, I was good to go. OpenVpn Client for Pocket PC worked perfectly. It connected to my corporate network. Boy mobile life is good.

On the mobile front, I had the opportunity to try out Google maps for Windows Mobile. An awesome tool I must say. It also integrates with a bluetooth GPS and can point to your location on the map. Pretty darn cool stuff. I will try out the Bluetooth integration and post it to the blog. But for now, it is a must have on my list of mobile applications.

In my next blog, I'll be posting information about Windows Fabric, a pretty cool program that microsoft plans to use sometime in future to rid you of the taskbar completly. Smart and Innovative......

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Feb 6th 2007

I created my own domain "" with Google domains and am writing my first blog. I intend to gather all of my family under this domain and post all happening information to this site. I wish I'll have enough time to work on this site and bring it up to my expectations. Using this site, any one from my family tree will be able to gather all their genology information, and keep in touch with other family members, who otherwise do not have a common place to hang out.

More on my life as the days pass by........